Prof. Dr. Helmut Wenzel
Managing Director of WENZEL Consulting Engineers GmbH
Year of Birth:
German, English
Ph.D. in Bridge Construction
University of Life Sciences Vienna
Master Degree, Civil Engineering
University of Life Sciences Vienna
Graduate Engineer (HTL)
Engineering College Linz, Austria
Establishment of WENZEL Consulting Engineers GmbH, an SME specialised in Monitoring and Management of complex Structures
since 2015
Appointed Professor for Monitoring and Assessment of Structures University of Life Sciences Vienna
since 2009
Partner in FCP Group
Managing Director VCE – Vienna Consulting Engineers
Lecturer on Project Strategies and Advanced Bridge Engineering
University of Life Sciences Vienna
since 1992
Management of the Research Department in VCE
since 1988
Managing Director
VCE Overseas Projects Department
since 1986
Project Engineer and Project Manager
Engineer in his father ́s office
Prof. Wenzel has worked for large infrastructure projects in Europe and overseas for 40 years of his career. Driven by the demand for new technologies and practical applications in the industry he recognised the value of research and develop- ment and devoted his attention to national and international research projects. Since 1995 (in the BRITE-EURAM program of the European Commission) he took over the responsibility of coordinating large collaborative research projects (HARIS, CasCo, IMAC, OASYS, MOBILE, SAFEPIPES, IRIS, NERA) and organised dedicated international networks (SAMCO and I-SAMCO).
For the past 6 years the main focus of monitoring and assessment has shifted to offshore structures comprising the wind and oil&gas industries. A major number of contracts have been successfully concluded with large ongoing activities in this sector. This work has led to the invitation to take a leading role in standardisation of offshore monitoring assessment, period- ic maintenance and lifecycle considerations.
The major results from recent research projects have found their place in the international standardisation. The developed mathematical formulation of ageing is included in the new EUROCODE on the Risk-based Inspection Framework and the monitoring and assessment approach is documented in the VDI Richtlinie 4551 on Monitoring and Assessment of Offshore Wind Structures.
Focuses of Expertise and Activities:
Structural dynamics, building diagnostics (monitoring & inspections), Life Cycle Engineering (LCA & LCC), maintenance design and management of infrastruc- ture (predominantly in the fields bridge and offshore construction)
Major Research Projects:
2008 – 2012: IRIS
(FP7 Contract CP-IP 213968-2): Integrated European Industrial Risk Reduction System).
IRIS has developed and interactive decision support system to increase industrial safety. Lifecycle assessment and maintenance management technologies are made available to avid range of industries. It has been ranked among the success stories in FP7 by the European Commission in 2012.
Main Results: An innovative integrated risk paradigm for risk management in industry including the related damage detection and life cycle assessment routines.
2010 – 2013 SYNER-G
(FP7 Grant agreement no.: 244061): Systemic Seismic Vulnerability and Risk Analysis for Buildings, Lifeline Networks and Infrastructures Safety Gain).
Syner-G is a European Collaborative Research Project focussing on systemic seismic vulnerability and risk analysis of buildings lifelines and infrastructures. The systemic vulnerability and the associated increased impact have not been considered so far in a rigorous and unified way for all kinds of systems.
Main Results: The well-recognised software package EQvis has been developed based on a methodology to take systemic vulnerability into account.
2006 – 2008 SAFEPIPES
(FP6 Contract no.: 003766): Safety Assessment and Lifetime Management of Industrial Piping Systems).
Pipes are the backbone of modern chemical and energy industry. Many pipes are reaching end of life and are posing threats to safety. Methodologies and technologies for assessment of pipelines under various operating conditions have been developed. Onsite tests have been performed in the chemical and the energy industry.
Main Result: A structural health monitoring methodology for the lifetime extension of pipes
2001 – 2004 IMAC
(FP5 Contract G1RD-CT-2000-00460): Integrated Monitoring and Assessment of Cables).
The integrated management and assessment of cables has been established on the demand of the construction industry that has built a large number of cable stayed bridges. A new technology for monitoring and assessment has been developed including the necessary hardware and software tools. A full scale test has been performed at the joint research centre of the European Commission in Ispra.
Main Result: A comprehensive cable, assessment and analysis tool box.
2000 – 2007 SAMCO
(FP5 G1RT-CT-2001-05040): Structural Assessment, Monitoring and Control).
Structural assessment monitoring and control has been a quickly developing subject in the construction industry. This network has compiled a comprehensive list of stakeholders, collected a wide number of reference projects and benchmarks and has brought the community together in a number of Summer Academies. The developed recommendations are still used in the international monitoring business. Valuable reference data are still distributed within the scientific community.
BRIMOS (BRIdge MOnitoring System)
The dynamic signature of a structure allows assessing its integrity. Based on this theory a comprehensive bridge monitoring system has been developed which ranks among the world leading technologies. Application on world wide scale is controlled by an interactive web-interface.
Main Results: A world leading brand in structural health monitoring and asset management.
Award by the Stanford University: Monitoring Person of the Year
Monitoring, Assessment and Life-cycle based maintenance management for offshore structures
Transformer Platforms of Tennet, various Wind Parks in the North Sea, Oil&Gas Structures for Wood Group Aberdeen
since 2010
Life-cycle based maintenance management for infrastructure
(single objects / infrastructure networks, i.e. road construction, railway engineering,
industrial construction) in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark & Italy
since 2009
Structural surveys (Structural Health Monitoring) world-wide
(e.g. Austria, Germany, UK, Italy, Czech Republic, Nigeria, Russia & Indonesia)
for road bridges, railway bridges, industrial plants, smokestacks, tower structures,
pre-stressed cable structures
since 2003
Committees (Working Group)
Richtlinie 4150; Strukturüberwachung und Beurteilung von Windenergieanlagen und Plattformen
Field of activities
Development of the guideline jointly with Prof. Rücker (BAM), major contributions to concept and approach
Österreichische Forschungsgesellschaft Straße Schiene Verkehr
(Austrian National Committee on roads, railways and traffic)
Committees (Working Group)
Working group bridge construction (Br) / committee “Monitoring, supervision and assessment of bridges and other civil engineering structures”
Field of activities
Cooperation in preparation of the RVS leaflet 13.03.01 ”Monitoring von
Brücken und anderen Ingenieurbauwerken“ (Monitoring of bridges and other civil engineering structures)
CEN - European Committee for Standardization
Committees (Working Group)
“Ageing behaviour of Structural Components with regard to Integrated Lifetime Assessment and subsequent Asset Management of Constructed
Field of activities
Elaboration of proposal of the standardization text (in the scope of CWA 63)
IALCEE – International Association for Life – Cycle Civil Engineering
ISHMII – International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure
SAMCO – European Association on Structural Assessment, Monitoring and Control
Text Books and Publications:
Industrial Safety and Life Cycle Engineering
VCE Vienna Consulting Engineers ZT GmbH, Vienna, Austria ISBN 9783200031791
Strategic Research Agenda on Earthquake Risk
Issued by the NERA Project in collaboration with the EAE
Health Monitoring of Bridges
J. Wiley and Sons Ltd., Chichester – England ISBN 9780470031735
Strategic Research Agenda on Earthquake Engineering
Issued by EAEE (European Associations of Earthquake Engineering)
Ambient Vibration Monitoring
J. Wiley and Sons Ltd., Chichester – England ISBN 0470024305
Strategic Research Agenda on Structural Health Monitoring
Issued by the SAMCO Project
Cable Stayed Bridges
Northern Gate Book Co., Ltd., Taipei, Taiwan, ROC ISBN 957-99070-4-8
Since 1981
Over 30 Key Note Contributions (Papers and Oral Presentations) Main areas: Safety Technologies, Monitoring, Bridge Construction, Seismic Safety Program Committee for IABSE, IABMAS, IWSHM, ISHMII, EAEE
Since 1978
Over 300 Papers – (Safety, Engineering and Natural Hazards) Main areas: Safety Technologies, Monitoring, Bridge Construction, Seismic Safety
Typical Representation of the Fields of Research under Way
Main lines of research are Industrial Safety, Risk Identification and Management, Health Monitoring of Structures